Disease Categories / Childhood Infections

Diseas Scope Incubation
Acute rheumatic fever Global Average of 19 days after onset of sore throat; Probable range of 10 days to 5 weeks with the same latency for initial attacks and recurrent episodes; [PPID, p. 2465]
Brazilian purpuric fever 70% case-fatality rate in the 100+ cases reported in Brazil; [CCDM, p. 125-6] Outbreaks described in several Brazilian towns & 2 cases were reported in Australia but none reported since early 1990s; [PPID, p. 2749] 24 hours to 3 days
Cytomegalovirus infection Global For horizontally transmitted infections: not known; 3-12 weeks after birth for perinatal infections; [CCDM, p. 142]
Diphtheria Global: Endemic in many areas of South America, Asia, the South Pacific, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe; Also in Haiti and the Dominican Republic; [CDC Travel] 2-5 days (range of, 1-10 days); [CDC Travel]
Hemophilus influenzae infection Global Probably 2-4 days; [CCDM]
Infectious mononucleosis Global 4-6 weeks; [CCDM]
Kawasaki disease Global Unknown; [CCDM]
Measles Global: Measles still occurs in large outbreaks outside of the Western Hemisphere. [CDC Travel, p. 288] Fever: 7 days to 2 weeks; Koplic's spots: 2-4 days after fever onset; Rash: 3-5 days after fever onset; [Merck Manual, p. 2760]
Meningococcal infection Global 2-10 days, usually 3-4 days; [CCDM]
Mumps Global; Mumps is common in many parts of the world; In 2016, 121 countries routinely vaccinated. [CDC Travel] About 19 days (7-23 days); [Harrison ID, p. 938];
Parvovirus B19 infection Global 4-20 days; [CCDM]
Pertussis Global; Highest incidence among young children in developing countries where vaccination coverage is low; [CDC Travel, p. 304] 6 days to 3 weeks; average 7-10 days; [CDC Travel]
Poliomyelitis As of April 2016, polio has never been interrupted in only 2 countries: Afghanistan and Pakistan; In 2018, polio virus circulated in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria. [CDC Travel] 9-12 days with a range of 5-35 days; [PPID, p. 2221]
Respiratory syncytial virus infection Global 2-8 days; [PPID, p. 2095]
Roseola infantum Global 10 days (range of 5-15 days); [CCDM]
Rubella Global; Endemic rubella has been interrupted in the Americas, but the disease is widespread in Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia; Median of 6 imported cases/year from 2013-2015 iin the United States; [CDC Travel] 14 days; range of 12-23 days; [Cecil, p. 2171]
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome Global 4-10 days; [CCDM, p. 575]
Streptococcal infection, Group A Global 1-3 days
Varicella-zoster virus infection Global; Routine vaccinations in US since 1996; In most parts of the world, vaccination is not routine and risk of exposure is higher; [CDC Travel] 10-21 days; usually 14-16 days; [CCDM]
Yaws Equatorial and west Africa, Latin America, Caribbean islands, SE Asia, and South Pacific islands; [CCDM] Bejel: Dry regions of North Africa and Arabian peninsula; [Guerrant, p. 293] Pinta: Latin America; [Merck Manual, 1713] 10-90 days; Average of 21 days; [CCDM]